I have started a new adventure in my pottery life.
I decided to take a class in ceramics at our local college. I am in a class with 15 other collage students, most of them the age of my grandchildren:>) But I LOVE it.
We are using cone 10 clay and firing in a gas reduction kiln. This is completely different for me, as I have been using cone six clay and firing in my electric kiln at home.
I decided to take a class in ceramics at our local college. I am in a class with 15 other collage students, most of them the age of my grandchildren:>) But I LOVE it.
We are using cone 10 clay and firing in a gas reduction kiln. This is completely different for me, as I have been using cone six clay and firing in my electric kiln at home.
Our first project was to hand build something. We could choose what we wanted, but had to make it larger, but in proportion. I chose to duplicate my trustworthy, and worn everywhere, Birkenstock. It looks like it is for a giant:>)
The project we are working on now, is two sets of four bowl, carved.
One set to be open, and the other closed. I am so excited about doing this, as I have not done much carving before. I usually concentrate on shapes and glazing. This class is forcing me to stretch and grow.
One set to be open, and the other closed. I am so excited about doing this, as I have not done much carving before. I usually concentrate on shapes and glazing. This class is forcing me to stretch and grow.
Will post photos of my completed bowls when they are done